1..Inductive reasoning is also known as a.)bottom up approach b)bottom down approach c)top up approach d)top down approach 2.Higher level of thinking is also known as a)reflective thinking b)analytical thinking c)critical thinking d)creative thinking 3.what is the first step in problem solving a)problem discussion b)problem limitation c)analyzing a problem d)planning for action 4.which one is used to generate a wide variety of ideas concerning a problem in a short period of time a)buzz section b)role play c)brain storming d)simulation 5.Which is the indias first unmanned mission to moon? a)chandrayan b)luna c)appolo d)luna 14 6.Putting together of element or parts so as to form a whole is called. a)analysis b)synthasis c)organisation d)evaluation 7.Truth beauty and goodness the statement is closely related to which value of science a)cultural value b)utilitarian val...