1. YouTube is an example of, a)web 1.0 based website b)web 2.0 based website c)cloud computing d)CMC 2.Which of the following is the social web a)web 1.0 b)web 2.0 c)web 3.0 d)none of these 3.Synchronous means the communication in which a)only one participant and instructor are present b)many participants can interact but no no instructor is present c)all participants are online simultaneously d)there are time constraints in communication 4.Chairman of ANERT in Kerala is a)governor b)chief minister c)minister for power d)secretary to governmeny 5. Exhibition of science fairs promote students ability of a)knowledge order skill b)comprehension and application c)higher order skill d)homer order skill 6.Which one is exception? a)library b)lab c)ANERT d)field trip 7.which is not included in informal community based resource a)ANERT b)museums c)play ground ...